Bulletin Board

The Greenmont Owners Association maintains a bulletin board at the front entrance to the neighborhood where important notices and community information are posted. The bulletin board is secured by lock and key. Please contact any GOA board member or committee chairperson to post a notice in the bulletin board.  Do not post anything on the bulletin board without GOA approval.

The recommended size for bulletin board notices is 24″ wide by x 18 tall” and 150 to 200 point font size in order to be legible.

The following rules apply to the use of the bulletin board.

  • No commercial business notices
  • No political ads or endorsements
  • No religious notices other than those that may acknowledge nationally recognized U.S. holidays
  • No home sale or rental notices
  • No offensive, abusive or distasteful content
  • Notices must be authorized by the GOA and placed behind the glass within the bulletin board
  • Items affixed to the outside of the bulletin board will be removed without notice
  • All notices must be approved and posted by a GOA board member or committee chairperson
  • Items must visibly display the date they are posted and initials of the board member/committee chairperson that placed the notice
  • Items left more than fifteen days may be removed without notice

No other signs may be placed anywhere on the island at the center of the front entrance. This includes signs for property sales, property rental, garage sales, special events, etc. Signs placed in this area are in violation of City of Alpharetta ordinances.  They will be removed without notice and are subject to fines by the City and the Greenmont Owners Association.

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