As quoted from the GOA Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions, all Greenmont Walk properties, property owners, and their tenants are “subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described properties or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof.”
Links To Governing Documents
CCRs – Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
ADS – Architectural Design Standards
Fining Procedures & Fine Schedule
General Provisions of the Greenmont Owners Association
- All legal property owners in Greenmont Walk are members of and subject to the rules of the Greenmont Owners Association.
- Each property owner is responsible for the upkeep and outward appearance of their property to community standards.
- Enforcing the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions of the Greenmont Owners Association is one of the primary responsibilities of the GOA.
- Neighborhood-wide inspections for violations and courtesy letter notifications are sent out on a regular basis.
- Problem notifications are important to maintaining the value and desirability of properties in Greenmont Walk.
- There are consistent, established processes in place to address problems that are within the domain of the GOA.
- Nobody is singled out for enforcement, letters, fines, etc.
- You may disregard a courtesy letter if the noted condition(s) have been corrected by the time you receive it.
- Fines are levied if noted conditions are not corrected within three requests by the GOA.
- Environmental violations are fined at $250.00 and structural violations at $500.00.
- Property owners must advise the GOA in a timely manner if there are extenuating circumstances that preclude correcting noted conditions.
- Specific, time-bound plans to remedy noted conditions are required to avoid fines.
- The Association will not discuss communications and actions pertaining to other homeowners unless authorized by the homeowner to do so.
- Common problems include the need for painting, rotted wood, mailbox repairs, weeds, grass growing over cubs, bald spots in yards, trash cans left out in public view, materials stored in driveways, etc.
- The GOA does not have jurisdiction over vehicles parked on the streets.
- It is illegal to park vehicles on cul-de-sacs overnight as they impede the progress of emergency vehicles. This can mean lost property and lives.
- Weed infested lawns grow faster and quickly become eyesores therefore they need to be mowed more often than treated lawns.
- Many problems develop slowly over time and while not noticed by you they are noticed by others.
- Regular, preventative maintenance goes a long way to avoid expensive problems.
- Exam the outside of your property on a regular basis with an eye for what your neighbors see.
- Neighbors appreciate neighbors that maintain the outward appearance of their property.