We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions right here. If you don’t see the information you need, refer to the governing documents on this site or click here to contact us.
This web site is a good place to start. Use the search box at the top of each page to find specific information listed on our web site.
Yes. Taxes are assessed by both the City (Alpharetta) and County (Fulton).
Annual dues are for a calendar year, running from January – December. Statements are mailed by the beginning of February and are due on the last day in February. Payment can be made either on our website or by mailing a check. Click here for more information.
Not at this time. We share news right here on our community website and through our email list.
We have a “No Soliciting” sign posted at the entrance to the Greenmont Walk subdivision. If you spot a solicitor in the neighborhood you can contact the Alpharetta Police Department non-emergency number (678) 297-6300. Let them know you live in a “No Solicitation” neighborhood and provide identifying information, last location, and direction of travel of the solicitors and they will send a patrol car to intervene. You may also register your property address with the City of Alpharetta to include it city permits as off-limits to solicitation. Contact the City to do so.
Join the GOA Board or a committee. Host an event. Send us your photos to share with your neighbors.
Dogs must be kept on a leash when in public areas in accordance with the Alpharetta leash laws. Dogs should not be allowed to run free in Greenmont Walk. To report non-compliance, contact Fulton County Animal services at (404) 613-0358 or Alpharetta Police Department non-emergency number (678) 297-6300. Homeowners are expected to pickup after their pets.
Association dues are $210 for the 2025 calendar year (January-December). These dues contribute to the HOA annual budget for operating costs and reserve funds for common area maintenance, updates, projects, etc. Click here for more information.
Yes. Your dues help pay for the cost of utilities, insurance, maintenance of the front entrance landscaping, as well as maintenance/repair/replacement of structures such as the front entrance wall & fence. Your dues also go towards yearly community events, and more. If you’d like a full explanation of expenses, please email the treasurer at goatreasurer@greenmontwalk.com.
We use state of the art encryption and up-to-date safety protocols to ensure the security of our community data and communications. Your data is not shared/sold to third parties. Deposit account and credit card information is exchanged with financial institutions that the Association uses to process the payments it receives from you.
The streets within the subdivision are public streets and maintained by the City of Alpharetta. This includes:
- Street Resurfacing
- Potholes
- Winter weather maintenance (salt/plowing)
- Stormwater runoff/drainage
- Sidewalks
The City of Alpharetta Police Department is responsible for safety and traffic enforcement of public streets within their jurisdiction. Non-emergency calls can be directed to: (678) 297-6300.
Georgia Power maintains the street lights in the neighborhood under agreement with the City of Alpharetta. Click here for more information.
A tree removal permit is required for most types of tree removals within the City of Alpharetta including in Greenmont Walk. https://www.alpharetta.ga.us/government/departments/community-development/tree-removal
Yes. Any alterations or additions to the exterior of your property must be approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee. Click here for the submission form on this website.
Always call Georgia811 before doing any digging. Simply dial ‘811’ from any phone or click here for more information.
Everyone must seek ARC approval in writing prior to making external changes to their property. If you make changes without prior approval, you are subject to fines and your investment could be at risk. Additionally, if your modifications are outside the guidelines of the Architectural Control Committee you may be required to remove or reverse the improvement(s).
Yes. Approval from the City of Alpharetta does not constitute approval from the Architectural Review Committee. The committee still requires that your plans be submitted in writing for review.